WATSU® (photos)

A body therapy

WATSU® is a holistic body therapy, whose results are noticeable on the physical and mental levels. With precise stretching and twists, pressures on meridian points, and mobilisations of all joints, one achieves muscle relaxation and organ strengthening based on the principles of reflexology. The action range is increased and the overall body mobility is improved. Breathing rhythm is reactivated. A sense of wellbeing and better body awareness naturally appear. In water, the spine is ideally discharged of body weight and can be mobilised in a way that is virtually impossible to reach on land. Rhythmic, harmonious and fluid sequences provide new impetus to body awareness and encourage letting go of old patterns.


A relaxation technique

The practitioner’s movements are similar to those of Tai Chi. They are soft and form spirals, arcs, as well as pendular, circular and wave-like movements. In this softness, WATSU® also harmonises the flow of vital energy. It is suitable for everyone: young and old people, disabled people, pregnant women, people suffering from depression or in emotional distress. What every person gets from WATSU® is different because everyone is different. WATSU® helps to overcome the fear of water too, regardless of its origin.